Raise Your Down Payment In An Astonishing Way To Obtain Real Estate.
Get Rid of The I.R.S. Or Any Unwanted Debt In a Quicker Savvy Way !
Quickly Increase Your Fico Scores.
Master Your Finances Even If You Have A Slightly Monthly Negative Cash Flow!
(Business Owners) Recaptured Your Monthly Overhead Expenses For Life!
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Savvy King Consulting's 1st Clients; Esther & Maria 6/2008

Savvy's First Maryland Office Presentation: 2/2009

Davina Receiving Her Referral Check: 7/2012

Traneda Receiving Her $300 Referral Check 6/2012

Get Tax Help First! Regardless if Your Offer & Compromise is accepted or Not, This is an innovative way to pay back the I.R.S. Student Loans or any major obligations. Different from anything you've ever seen. Learn advanced literacy strategies to regain and control your financial life.
Signing up for the free webinar will help you on your path to financial wellness and wealth building. Our topics include how to beat the debt trap by saving thousands in interest, advanced financial literacy you've never seen before, turbo debt repayment plan strategies, and budgeting.
Witness how we helped one client go from being in a monthly negative cash flow position, scheduled to pay thousands in interest, into being able to pay off debts in record time, and having new cash flow coming in for the next 30 years to secure her retirement.
Be Aware of the Shameful Injustices of the Wealth Gap Between Whites and Other Nationalitie & How to Help Yourself Shrink the Wealth Inequality Gap.