The simplest and safest way to pay any bill using your credit cards even if the merchant doesn't accept credit cards. We manage the entire bill payment process, you just enter in your creditors info and we do the rest! User's have paid mortgages, rent, car repair, insurance premiums, home renovation, alimony, plumbers and many more bills with Savvy Bill Pay.
SavvyBillPay takes security seriously and we have taken extraordinary
measures to keep your information secure. We utilize multiple levels of the latest security technologies:
SavvyBillPay takes security seriously and we have taken extraordinary measures to keep your information secure. We utilize multiple levels of the latest security technologies:
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Encryption: All personal information (including credit card numbers) sent to and from SavvyBillPay servers is encrypted and sent through a secure Internet connection using 128-bit SSL encryption ensuring that all data passed between the our server and your computer remains private. You will see an icon resembling a padlock displayed on the bottom of your browser window and the "http://" prefix will read "https://" during SSL transmissions |
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Personal Information: Your password is kept private – no one at SavvyBillPay can access your password. In addition, we do not store any of your credit card information on our servers making it impossible for this information to be compromised. When you place an order, we submit the order to our processing system using a secure network and do not retain the information. As a result, for you protection, you will need to re-enter your credit card information each time you place a new order. |
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Automatic Logout: Our system will automatically log you out after a period of inactivity |
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Physical Security: SavvyBillPay's servers are located in datacenters equipped with several layers of state-of-the-art security controls and are monitored 24 x 7. Access to servers requires multiple levels of authentication, including biometrics procedures and identity authentication |
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Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance: Our storefront is in full compliance with the Payment Card Industry’s rigorous data security requirements. |
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Security Checks: System integrity checks of the firewalls and other network perimeter access control systems are performed on a regular basis. Our security practice and architecture is audited and regularly upgraded to ensure that your information is completely secure |
Note that SavvyBillPay will never request that users send personal information to us via e-mail or pop-up windows. Any such unsolicited requests for account information such as passwords, login IDs, and credit card numbers that you receive through e-mails, Web sites, or pop-up windows should be considered fraudulent and reported to immediately.